Show Your Love For SCCA With A Gift Today!
It’s been a year, hasn’t it?! We’ve been here for you through it all, fulfilling our mission of sharing access to all things clay through collaborative education in a community studio. Thank you for sharing your creative time with us in the studio.
Now, we need your help. We need you to join with us to financially support studio operations into a new year.
When we closed for a short time earlier in the year due to the pandemic, many of our members and students shared with us how much you value your community studio:
Can’t wait to sign up for a wheel throwing class when this is all behind us!
Man, do I miss the studio!
So grateful for SCCA! What you do matters greatly! Hope things get back to normal soon!
I miss trimming on a wheel!
Super bummed not coming in to learn more about pottery!
Will miss it but hopefully for the short term only.
Luckily, it was only for the short term for us, and we were able to get back to getting our hands dirty safely.
As we come to the end of 2020, we face a fundraising challenge to account for over $30,000 in lost revenue due to Covid-19 closures and changes. So many of you have stepped up and shown how much you care about the studio and want it to be around for the future.
We’re asking you to step up again and help us reach our year-end goal of $10,000.
Give now through our digital campaign via GoFundMe Charity.
We know that, no matter what the future holds, we will need art. We will need ceramics. We will need opportunities to provide escape and sustenance for the mind, body, and spirit. We know you want a place to connect and play in clay. We know that our community is hungry for creative experiences and the opportunity to get their hands dirty!
Your financial gift of any amount supports the continued operations of Scenic City Clay Arts. Through our classes, memberships, and outreach programs, we expect to serve over 1,200 people this year, even amidst a global pandemic. We offer free programs for at-risk young men, veterans and military families, and senior citizens, and, in 2020, we provided fourteen class scholarships for people of all ages.